Monday, May 26, 2008

Celebrating Marin & Kyra's Birthday

Last week we drove down to the Moore's house in Bel Air, MD to celebrate Marin's 4th birthday and Kyra's 1st birthday. It's hard to believe that Marin is now 4 years old, and Davis will be 4 soon. Time sure flies!

The food was great and the entertainment was even better. Marin has a Barbi Keyboard complete with a microphone. Davis and Marin took turns "accompanying" each other to great renditions of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", the "ABC" song and even oldies (but goodies) like "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "If You're Happy and You Know It".

It was oddly reminiscent of the Marty Culp and Bobbi Mohan-Culp Saturday Night Live skit (Will Ferrel and Ana Gasteyer):

Davis now associates microphones with the microphones on the podiums at our church. When Davis had the mic at the party, he announced to all 20 adults present (some church-goers, and some not) that he was going to say a prayer. He then made sure everyone had their eyes closed and said a sweet little prayer.

I'll end with a video of one of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb's performances for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Davis and His Camera

It's that time. The time for us to hop on the Blog wagon! I've been keeping a Word document of cute sayings Davis has uttered over the past couple of years but it is sorely out of date. Matt and I are constantly saying how we need to make updates, but we just can never get around to doing it - what horrible parents! Maybe this will provide the proper avenue for us to keep track of those adorable things Davis does each day.

I'll start this blog off with Davis's latest interest -- his "NEW" digital camera (a.k.a. our "OLD" digital camera). Two days ago I uploaded 287 lovely photos that Davis enjoyed snapping. This is one of my favorites from a recent day trip we took down to visit his cousin Marin in Bel Air, Maryland. Davis must have taken about 50 pictures from this very vantage point and surprisingly, they are all pretty much the same.

Needless to say he had SO much fun and he thought he was taking pictures of things other than his foot. Once, after I heard the beep of a picture, he said, "Mommy! I just took a picture of a dead deer!" (background: Davis has been FASCINATED by a story his Poppy told him a week or two ago about a dead deer he saw down at the Struble Trail. Nan and I had to update Poppy's story by saying that the Dead Deer really just fell asleep while it was getting a drink in the river. The Deer then woke up and ran away). I think other pictures he thought he took included a dump truck, an airplane and a tanker. Hmmm . . . . .

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