Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gone Fishin'

The last weekend of May, Jon and Nicole were able to come up for a long awaited visit! Top priority on the "to-do" list was a M-U-C-H anticipated and V-E-R-Y special fishing trip with Uncle Jon! Davis was SO excited and couldn't wait for Jon and Nicole to get to our house so that he could use his Superman fishing pole again.

We have a great reservoir near our house called Marsh Creek that offers every type of water sport (really interesting history -- my mother-in-law's childhood house is now at the bottom of the Marsh Creek Reservoir). We were able to rent a row boat with a motor and hit the high seas for a full two hours of fishing fun. Matt was in heaven! ;)

Davis was the fishing master catching two BIG fish with Auntie Nicole coming in a close second with one "baby" fish (which of course was NOT as BIG as Davis's two fish).

We weren't able to keep any of the fish we caught (WAY too little) much to Davis's disappointment. Maybe next year . . . .

PS: I'm trying to upload the video from the fishing trip and it's just not taking. I'll probably just post it to Facebook . . . .


Kristen said...

Wow, you're on a roll for posting. Yeah! So cute!! (I have the same issues uploading to my blog too!)