Not many, I'm sure . . . .
We ended the day by hosting a small fireworks show in our driveway with Nan & Poppy and our next door neighbor Cara.
Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it.
Posted by Davis at 6:36 PM 0 comments
So, Davis is in watching "The Lion King" with his cousin Kyra right now and Matt walked in on the part where Simba is crying because his Father died. Here conversation between Matt and Davis that followed:
Davis: Why is Simba crying?
Matt: Because Simba's Daddy died. Wouldn't you be sad if I died?
Davis: Yeah, I would be sad. Would you be sad if Mommy died?
Matt: I would be sad if Mommy died.
Davis: Daddy, if Mommy died then we could talk Potty Talk ALL the time!
Posted by Davis at 5:50 AM 0 comments
Posted by Davis at 1:23 PM 1 comments
For the past 6 months Davis has asked me nearly every day, "Mommy, is tomorrow summer?" Well, I told him that summer starts when school is finished. Davis was sad that school ended but SO exited that summer is finally here and that we can go swimming.
Davis had a great year at the Brandywine School in their Young 4s program. His best buddy Christopher was in his class and they really had a great time (sometimes they were a bit crazy, but overall they were really good together).
Here is a picture of the two from their end-of-year program on May 20th:
Davis's teachers were wonderful -- Mrs. Joan Olds (pictured right) and Mrs. Chris Taylor (left). Davis couldn't have had better teachers!
Davis also had very nice classmates - most of whom are moving forward with him to the 5s program which will also be at the Brandywine School (we've decided to do one more year of preschool with Davis which will make him one of the older kids in the class rather than one of the youngest).
And finally, here is Davis getting his 4s graduation "certificate"! On to summer fun!
Posted by Davis at 5:15 PM 1 comments
Yes, I'm finally trying to get back in the saddle again and update Davis's blog. I think, for me, it's the best way to record the cute things he does daily . . .
It's Mother's Day today and Davis and Matt brought me in a sweet card. Inside was a present from Davis - a WHOLE DOLLAR! He was VERY pleased with himself . . .
So, it's my Mother's Day goal to add posts more often, so stay tuned!
Posted by Davis at 5:22 AM 2 comments
We just returned from three days/two nights of sand-filled fun with Matt's family (parents, sis and her crew). Since we never have made a complete Dietrich/Moore family pilgrimage to the beach (yes Don, the past trips didn't count because YOU weren't there), this was the 1st official family summer vacation.
Davis and Marin LOVED the surf and sand! Kyra - not so much (but she did enjoy the pool). We had the grandiose plan of trying to snap some family pictures while at the shore, but we were never able to muster up a shower in before the sun actually set.
We did try earnestly to get a good shot of Davis and Marin on the Lifeguard chair . . . We've now declared it officially impossible to get a shot with them BOTH looking at the camera (or even just in the camera direction for that matter).
We also had a very small birthday party for Davis (in true Paris Hilton style we'll be holding a party on both coasts . . . well, kinda. Utah is considered in the West!).
Davis was quite sad when the weekend was over. But, we told him we'd go back again soon!
Posted by Davis at 6:52 PM 0 comments
What could be better than "flying" a REAL airplane and "driving" a REAL tractor? Well, Davis was the luckiest boy alive when he got to do both during our recent trip to Dewey Beach, Delaware.
Posted by Davis at 5:53 PM 0 comments